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  • RiniSoft

RINISOFT becomes a Consortium Member of NESTLER Project

RiniSoft has officially become a member of the consortium of the NESTLER Project.

NESTLER (oNe hEalth SusTainabiLity partnership between EU-AFRICA for food sEcuRity) is a joint Horizon Europe project between EU and African member states designed to promote One-Health sustainable partnership. The 14 partners of the consortium were able to participate in the two-day kick-off meeting physically or virtually.

The NESTLER project aims to bring together interdisciplinary technological advances to effectively monitor the well-being of animals, plants, and humans in a holistic approach. The complementarity between the stakeholders will extend upon the ongoing initiatives from FARM2FORK strategies that have resulted in integrated software systems and solutions.

Visit NESTLER project webpage for more information.

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